Pan in Motion 2021 Scholarship
Application Open: January 15th, 2021
Application Deadline: May 15th, 2021 NEW DATE
Application Fee: Free
Award Amount: Varies
The Pan in Motion Scholarship was established as an additional means of support for the ever evolving Steel Pan Community. As steel pan continues its growth within the educational system, we have acknowledged the foundation that steel pan has provided to many individuals in non-music related fields. To highlight that, Pan in Motion will be offering a scholarship to students majoring in any field of study. The winner will be announced in the Spring of 2021 and the scholarship will be available for the 2021-2022 school year.
High School Seniors
Newly Entering College Freshman
Newly Entering United States College Student
This is for individuals ONLY: organizations and institutions cannot apply
Applicants can apply from anywhere in the world but must be attending a United States College/University in the Fall 2021
The application process should be completed as a written document (1 page pdf) and a video response (5 mins max), answering the following questions:
First, Last Name
School you currently attend (if applicable)
Location (City/State, Country, etc.)
What is your intended major?
What are your career goals and why?
What is your steel pan playing experience?
How has your steel pan playing experience/knowledge helped you in your life and your studies?
How will the money you receive help you in your educational studies?
Why do you deserve this scholarship?
Resume/CV (pdf)
Video of pan playing experience (youtube links are acceptable)
Videos should be at least 1 minute long
We should be able to clearly identify who you are.
Do you have a side project or something you’re researching that we may find interesting?
I.e. “I’m working on a commissioning project on the side, I started my own bakery or small business”
Well, we would love to see a unique side of you. Feel free to include additional materials and links that help us get to know you better. Make sure to label them additional materials.
All finalists will be contacted before a winner is chosen.
Finalists must provide proof of acceptance from a United States college/university in order to receive funds. If for any reason the finalist cannot provide proof, they will forfeit their chance to win the scholarship.
Nearing the completion of the school year (Spring 2022), the winner must provide a final exit video (5 mins max) stating their school year experience thus far and how the scholarship helped them.
All materials should be properly labeled and emailed to: info@paninmotion.com with the subject “Scholarship Application Materials”.
If you have any questions feel free to email info@paninmotion.com